Baroness Grey

from $7.25

Although similar in profile to the traditional Earl Grey, the Baroness Grey carries an enhanced citrus tone in its additional lemon, orange, and lime flavorings.

Ingredients: Black tea, orange pieces, cornflower petals, rose petals, lime leaves, natural flavors (organic compliant)

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Although similar in profile to the traditional Earl Grey, the Baroness Grey carries an enhanced citrus tone in its additional lemon, orange, and lime flavorings.

Ingredients: Black tea, orange pieces, cornflower petals, rose petals, lime leaves, natural flavors (organic compliant)

Although similar in profile to the traditional Earl Grey, the Baroness Grey carries an enhanced citrus tone in its additional lemon, orange, and lime flavorings.

Ingredients: Black tea, orange pieces, cornflower petals, rose petals, lime leaves, natural flavors (organic compliant)

Infusion time

4-5 Min

Infusion temperature

 212° F

Amount of tea

1 heaping teaspoon per cup

Takes well to milk and sugar.